Our Story

As students growing up in Cambridge, we couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between the world inside our STEM classrooms and the innovative hubs surrounding us. Kendall Square, with its cutting-edge research facilities, and the towering campuses of Harvard and MIT, symbolize endless possibilities for scientific discovery. Yet, despite being immersed in such a dynamic city, many of us felt that these opportunities were just out of reach—especially for students of color. In our STEM classes (especially higher level Ex: AP & Honors), the disparity was glaring. Few students looked like us or shared our experiences. The overwhelming majority were from more privileged backgrounds, and the gender gap was undeniable—girls and non-binary students were underrepresented, especially in advanced courses.

Tinker for Change Hackathon

The excitement of scientific exploration and innovation was there, but it didn’t feel accessible to all of us. We started to realize that this segregation wasn’t just economic or geographic—it was a divide that extended into our education. Cambridge, while a city known for being progressive and innovative, still faces racial and socioeconomic disparities in academic achievement similar to those in less-resourced cities.

For many of us, the thought of stepping into spaces like MIT or Harvard seemed distant and unattainable, not because we lacked interest or ability, but because we rarely saw people like us in those spaces. That’s when we recognized the need to bridge this gap, not just between the physical locations of our neighborhoods and these prestigious institutions, but between the opportunities offered and who feels empowered to pursue them. By creating programs like STEAMBridge, we aim to close the gender disparity we see in higher-level STEM classes, while also ensuring that students from underrepresented backgrounds have mentors and role models to guide them.

"The future isn't a place that we're going to go to it's a place we're going to create "

Run by students for students

Co-Founder & Director

You might find Ashi browsing the aisles of a local art store or enjoying a picnic with friends in Cambridge. Her love for painting and singing is only matched by her fervent advocacy for social justice.

She envisions a career in STEM where she can merge her passions for art, science, and storytelling to cultivate an inclusive and diverse community that sparks innovation.


Naeema, a student at Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School is really passionate about Computer Science and website development. When she's not studying, you can usually find her drawing, playing video games, or hanging out with my family and friends!

Ashmita (Ashi)
